The attractive power of food.

Food tourism is big. For a new generation of travellers food is one of the most important factors in choosing a destination, and countries around the world are taking note. Through gastrodiplomacy they utilize the universal values of food to promote their cultural heritage.


United States


Unlike most other countries, the United States isn’t trying to project a unified cuisine to the rest of the world. Instead, the US is putting the spotlights on the many varied regional cuisines and their unique characteristics. Texas barbecue, Louisiana Cajun, or classic Californian fusion are all equally noteworthy.

To expand on this effort the US launched the Culinary Diplomacy Partnership Initiative in 2012. Through it, the American Chef Corps of over 80 chefs travels to embassies and diplomatic events around the world to illuminate the intricacies of American cooking to dignitaries everywhere.


The Netherlands 


In recent years, a group of Dutch chefs have started the Dutch Cuisine movement with the dual hopes of promoting the country’s cuisine and encouraging people to eat healthier.

Central to the movement is the 80-20 principle. Dutch Cuisine chefs try to use 80% vegetables and only 20% meat or fish, as well as 80% seasonal and local ingredients. The Dutch Cuisine manifesto is still gaining traction, and several culinary schools have teamed up with the movement to begin teaching its principles to aspiring chefs.


Read the other inspiring stories about Nordics, Peru en Thailand in the Food Inspiration Magazine: Food Destinations.