Working nine ‘till five is something from the past. Millennials work according to the 24-hour economy.

Millennials have a new way of working. Because they want to merge work with pleasure, they don’t work from nine ‘till five anymore. In this 24-hour economy this workstyle really fits in. According to The Deloitte Millennial Survey:

Facts & figures

  • 89% of millennials check their work email after work hours.
  • Millennials are thought to be glued to their phones and mobile devices, but 51% surveyed prefer to talk with their co-workers face to face.
  • 70% see themselves starting their own business in the future instead of working in a traditional environment.
  • 42% is prepared to leave their current company for a more innovative environment.
  • 62% of Millennial-owned businesses have grown in revenue over the past 6 months versus 41% overall.

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