Overfishing is damaging the ecosystem. Has the fish you eat been caught by a multinational or a small local fishery?

Local fishermen are having a harder time making a living. Aside from this, the overfishing of the ocean is damaging the ecosystem.

Loss of cod

One example of the consequences of this overfishing is the disappearance of the cod in Newfoundland, Canada. In 1992, the cod fishing industry came to a standstill after years of overfishing. Almost 40.000 people lost their jobs and the ecosystem was fundamentally damaged. The cod didn’t return to the area until 2011, but even in 2015 the ecosystem still has not fully recovered.

Bay State Fish Share

At Bay State Fish Share they think local fisherman have the best methods for sustainable fishing and that’s why they are helping these people to find buyers for their products. Consumers get their order delivered to their homes every week.

Cape Ann Fresh Catch

Cape Ann Fresh Catch works with local fisherman and coastal companies to distribute fresh, sustainable fish to their clients. Consumers can join in the share by buying a season pass. Every week they can come to get their fish at a nearby location.

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Photo: Damian Gadal