Every day and everywhere we go, we are surrounded by images of tasteful and attractive food. Why can’t we resist it?

Which elements make our mouth water? How does the psychological process work? This is what neuromarketeers are trying to find out. More and more companies are specialising in neuromarketing, which uses the tools of neuroscience to determine our choices and preferences.

Neuromarketeers want to see us as emotional creatures.

Instead of providing us with rational and function information, they use techniques to give us a positive feeling. They do this by connecting their brand with fundamental human desires like feeling connected and self-actualization. These desires differ with age. Marketing aimed at children values fun and happiness whereas for teens, seeming cool via social media is very effective. Adults, on the other hands, are stimulated by sexy images or things that seem luxurious and relaxing. One motivator, however, is universal: humour.

Studies show that humour doesn’t work for expensive and durable products.

However, for non-durable products with a casual association like snacks, chewing gum, soda and the like, it is extremely effective. The target audience has to be considered too. The perception of humour differs from person to person, culture to culture, and gender to gender. Men tend to enjoy more aggressive forms of humour while women are attracted to nonsensical, silly humour. If you take these factors into account, chances are high that your viewers will remember it, which increases their desire for your specific product.


Want to know more about food & psychology? Read the Food Inspiration Magazine.