We have to take our health back into our own hands. @michaelpollan shows why we should cook at home

America has five times as many fast food restaurants as supermarkets. Nowadays, we spend more time in restaurants than in the kitchen - even though people who do their own cooking are healthier and less obese than those who do not. People need to learn how to cook again.

Eating at risk
Eating out has gradually replaced home cooking. This development entails certain risks, as research shows that, on average, meals outside the home contain more fat and salt. Children who eat at a restaurant consume nearly double the calories they would at home.

What’s cooking
Those who cook themselves are healthier than those who don’t and obesity is less prevalent in countries where home cooking is more common. In his latest book ‘Cooked,’ writer, scientist, and food activist Michael Pollan therefore urges us to take our health back into our own hands and to cook at home with ‘real’ food.

Read the article in the Food Inspiration Magazine to learn more about the importance of cooking at home.